Deeper Well~Dweller #18

Colin, Illuminator

“…it’s not about digging a well. I feel more certain than ever that the [deeper] well is already there inside us …that source place, life-spring of deep, pure, flowing native vibrance… Maybe it's more about learning how to lower that bucket down into your well and filling it up, and bringing it back up. That's the [daily] challenge and opportunity. … It might be obscured in some way. And that’s where the divining rod, the dowsing stick [comes in]: of the intuition. To me, the life work and life practice comes down to trusting and using that… Living from [this] intuitive place has allowed me to open into the deeper flow, of that well, and quench my thirst often, daily, from that place; that [in turn] allows me to be a far more expansive, whole, wildly alive being, and with others, and with Nature ~ and with my self.”

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