Deeper Well~Dweller #24

Steve, Artist, Farmer, Explorer

"[for someone seeking advice on Deeper Well~Dwelling], I'd remind them they're not here by accident. That they are the children of their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents, and all the ancestors that came before them; who at one point were on their knees praying that their children would succeed. I would remind them that they are the embodiment of those prayers...the living spirit of what their people before them did in their lives, to get them to where they are. And that spirit that got them here, and what they [also] have, in themselves, is something sacred...And that the lessons you get from your labor, that you get from your life, good and bad, are what to hold onto. So my [root] advice your life and work, be aware of that spirit, don't let it slip, hold onto and reflect on it. Know that it's not just your body and your situation that holds you together, but there's real spirit out there that's working for you, and through you..."

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