Deeper Well~Dwellers #35

James & Hayashi, Two Monks Talking

A first exchange between a cloistered octogenarian Augustinian Monk & an uncloistered septuagenarian Buddhist Warrior Monk. Moderated by your Guide, Colin ... "Philosophers from both the East and the West have asked the same question: 'What is the best way to lead one's life?' And the answer was to have a rich exterior life and a rich interior [life].' We're all best if we can function spiritually in both the inner and material worlds." ~HAYASHI & [On any vital question each of us ought to be asking ourself...] "Where am I headed? Right now...Asking that every week, every month, maybe every day. 'Am I headed back into the maze, or outside the maze? Or do I turn and become amazing?' ~ JAMES

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