From time to time, we receive luminous word,
from our roving Poetispheric correspondents.
Of their experiences & gleanings exploring
outer and inner reaches of the world.
Especially the less traveled and unexpected.
Like Alex, a true Possibilitarian,
adventurously circling the globe
by motorcycle as we speak.
Each voyager openly engaging
the heart & spirit of places and people ~
and having discoveries about life, and self
along the way.
If you know, or know of, such nomads, rovers,
explorers, ones we might all like to hear from,
send us a message. Maybe we can add them to our pool
of intrepid correspondents. Or you may be one
now or on some coming journeying.
[button] Point us to a vibrant life voyager. [>link]
Meanwhile, enjoy these now-and-then sharings.
And, wherever you are, consider your own voyage
of discovery, near or far. Whether to a new
neighborhood, landscape or circle of people.
Or to an unfamiliar country or culture.
Summoning, as you set out,
an explorer’s deep curiosity;
activating your outer and inner senses;
and enjoying the spelunking.
Get your sense of adventure wet.
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