love the light

Embrace it. Appreciate it. Revel in it.

listen while you read

Do You Love the Light 

That gilds 

the late-day lines

carrying conversations

along the road,

between the poles,

east to west, north to south. 

That underscores 

the undersides of gulls,

wings outspread,

as they sail 

between the waves 

and wide ocean clouds. 

That bathes

the upturned faces

of shingled summer and 

gabled autumn 

houses grateful for

another rising morning. 

The lovely, 



~ one August by the sea ~

a thought

It's a gift. It's all a gift.


What if you thought of Nature's light as a friend. A wonderful friend. Always there for you, always showing up. Both a comfort and a delight.

one member said

"The light that fills my days

brings me joy and solace.

I can't imagine living without

an abundance of it."

a call to experience

Explore how many different ways you can love the light. Especially the natural light. But also the beautifully man-made.

© Colin Goedecke, for The Poetisphere

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