listen while you read
Or continue.
To see and feel,
bring to light
far more of your self.
Who you really,
beautifully and so one-
of-a-kindly are.
Cast off the cloaks
of whatever you’re not,
or thought you had to be.
Find and live
the unlived, undiscovered
parts of your life.
The buried treasures
of your body, mind, heart
waiting to be discovered
and embraced,
honored and expressed.
Pose big, beautiful,
questions to yourself.
Ones ready to reshape you
just by courageous asking,
honest pondering. Starting
from your soul.
Begin new conversations,
fresh and freeing conversations,
with and without words.
With the world around you:
the people, the Earth
and humanity around you.
End those you’ve outworn,
or have worn you out.
Kindle your deeper passions
and compassions,
from glowing embers
to roaring bonfires.
how much more
is possible, dreamable.
Where the world is
your oyster,
full of pearls.
Re-visit what is,
in this here, this now,
most natural, vital,
joyful; what brings you
alive. Maybe
the music of Brahms
or birds; the taste
of true love, friendship,
Because another future
may be calling ~
for you to enter,
for you to begin.
How does the presence or absence of natural light
affect your body, your mood? Your sense of comfort,
or connection. Where else inside you does it want
to come in, to flow through you?
Pause now and then to sense how the light is touching you,
outside and in, from your skin to your spirit. How it fills
or refreshes or nourishes any part of you.
© Colin Goedecke, for The Poetisphere
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