let there be sparkling

Round the world, in its cultures,

its peoples, and all around your daily world,

there's pure sparkle to be found, felt, be uplifted by.

listen while you read

Let the Fireworks Begin

The star showers.

The wild flowerings.

The palm trees and peonies,

dahlias, chrysanthemums

of high-flying light.

The waterfalls

of sparks, colors.

The bright night-burnings

embering down 

into dark.

The flashes

and shimmers

of earth-flung comets, 

bracelets, diadems.

The rocketing arcs

you follow with wide-open eyes, 

almost held-breath,

till you ohh and aah

from the outbursts 

of silver and gold; 

emerald, rose, rare blue.

Feel the ensuing booms

reverberate in your belly

as you lie face-to-sky

on a wide-spread blanket

easy and cozy with friends.

And savor all ~

amid the dangling spangles,

and wizzing, crackling, 

whistling sounds ~

with innocent wonder.

Through the last fanfare: 

the blazing, rousing finale,

the applause,

the drifting clouds

of smoke

and contented crowds. 

~ on a July 4th in an old American town

a thought

Humanity, at its best,

is one of most dazzling displays

in the world.


What does watching a show of fireworks evoke in you? Are the feelings the same as in your childhood? Who's full of sparkle in your life, in your circle of family or friends or fellow workers? Do you feel the same feelings when you're around them?

One member said

"I love being a sparkler."

a call to experience

What natural, beautiful sparkle can you find in yourself? And in others, from friends to family, shopkeepers to strangers. In a conversation with someone. Or in something you're watching, or reading, or listening to. Because the more of it you can discover, and embody, and ~ like a Roman Candle ~ shimmer out around you, the better.

© Colin Goedecke, for The Poetisphere

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