you're a spirit wrapped in a body lit from within

The French call it the elan vital,

the "vital spark." Our native vibrance,

transcendent radiance.

listen while you read

On the Eve

It begins on the eve

of Christmas Present,

wreathed with reveries

of Christmas Past

and wonderings about

those yet to come.

It begins many eves. 

Under the eaves

of the house

of the self. 

When I celebrate,


this gift of life.

This expression

of spirit 

wrapped in a body

lit from within;

that can light some part 

of the surrounding world, 

when darkness

falls upon it.

Or, can enlarge,


its places of luminance.

When I see how I 

and others

can bring kindling light,

welcome light,

reassuring light,

to even one 

sputtering soul 

in need. 

On days, and eves,

like this.

a thought

Eight billion living sparks, vessels of light,

filling the world. Some so wild-brightly, others

embering and just in need of a bit of rekindling.


When was the last time you saw that native vibrance of yours in the mirror?

Or in a photograph. Had a wow, that's me moment. Or were fascinated or captivated by someone else's.

one member said

"Incredible how much focus

we put on the care and feeding of our bodies

and how little we give to stoking our spirits."

a call to experience

Just as a fire needs oxygen to burn, your inner fire needs fuel to ignite, to blaze. Contemplate what best feeds it, stokes it, helps it burn better, and stronger. Then set about supplying that, and faithfully tending, appreciating ~ and celebrating ~ the bonfire within you.

© Colin Goedecke, for The Poetisphere

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