the light can transform, transmute everything it touches

From the Sun's gilding and bleaching

to the Moon's silvering and whitening,

a constant, rampant, often

resplendent alchemizing.

listen while you read

A Soft Time to Walk

It's a soft time of day

to walk around the water,

a time when the ducks

are resting, their snow

white breasts like low clouds,

and the December light

transmutes the bricks 

and stones of the buildings 

to gold.

It's a soft time of day to walk

when the mild air is musky

with moist earth,

and lovely leaves have fallen

from the gowns of disrobing trees

that ring the Reservoir,

a bowl of blue lake 

reflecting Autumn

under glass. 

It's a soft time to walk

when all goes pink, even

the seashell-shape museum,

and the lamplights wink on

like a train of tethered fireflies,

and the sun sinks to rest

in a big, oblong bath

of cantaloupe-colored sky. 

~ in Central Park, New York City ~

a thought

When the sun-or-moon-light is switched on,

everything changes.


What are your experiences of transforming, alchemizing light? Maybe of a room, a garden, meadow, or mountaintop. A lake or seascape. The face of a building...or of a beloved.

one member said

"I love how everything in my humble living room

turns to gold in the Summer sunset."

a call to experience

Become an observer and engager of, an immerser in, the alchemies of the sun and moon wherever you live, work, travel. As a way to bring more magic and marveling into your daily life. Begin today, begin tonight...

© Colin Goedecke, for The Poetisphere

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